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Welcome to RISE-with-STYLE!

Are you ready for a holistic make-over? Join me for a 3-module coaching program designed to help you gain a crystal clear vision of your desired future and rise with style to a new level of confidence. With my personalized coaching, you can overcome obstacles that have been hindering your growth and discover the tools to unleash your full potential. Sign up now for a transformational experience!

My Solution Statement

Are you ready to redefine your purpose and rediscover your confidence? My coaching services are designed to help Christian women to rise from the ashes of past hurts and limiting beliefs. Through personalized coaching and support, we'll work together to renew your health and beauty in mind, body & image, empowering you to soar to the next chapter of your life with confidence and grace.


My name is Lynette Funk

As internationally certified Image & Life Coach I empower middle aged Christian women to find their balance so they not only regenerate their health and beauty, but also restore their dreams and purpose. They realize they are not victims of their limiting beliefs, nor circumstances, not even their genes. Everyone is the result of their habits and lifestyle. Therefore, as Coach I guide them step by step to recover their holistic health and fitness by training new healthy habits. They receive powerful tools to unlock their unique God given beauty and potential by training mind and body to BE QUALITY inside and out.

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About Me.


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BA in Teaching English as a Second Language


Image Consultant in Germany


Founder of Style Color Academy in Paraguay


Haggai Leadership Experience in Maui, Hawaii


Training as Life Coach and Disaster Recovery Coach at Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching

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My DIY Coaching Plan

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Mejor precio/calidad

3 Modules on Mindset, Lifestyle & Image



You get 69 coaching sessions focused on transformation of mindset, health and fitness & beauty

Válido por 6 meses

Coaching Plan Modul llI

Coaching Plan Modul ll

Stand out!

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The world teaches us to blend in, however God´s word teaches us to stand out!


♦As trained and experienced #IMAGEcoach I'm fascinated by the word #IMAGE!


Because we are God´s IMAGE-bearers.

This brings me straight to one of the first verses of the Bible, where it says that God in His Trinity created man in HIS own IMAGE.

©Read and reflect on Genesis 1:26____________________

We are created to be literally an image of God on this earth. We are His representatives. What do IMAGES do? They reflect the master. They declare ownership.
Being an image bearer is not about me, but about who HE is and on what HE says about you.

Our purpose as IMAGE-bearers is to reflect HIM, my Creator.

His fingerprints are on us. We are an original. Look at your fingerprint. That’s the proof. In this whole world there is no one exactly like you.


♥What dignity lies in this fact.

♥What an honor and what a high commission!

We were not called to fit in, but to stand out.

That´s what it means to be set apart. We are set apart to be reflections of Christ in the world.

Instead of blending in, we stand out with our unique and personal style.

It means we honor God in and with the choice of our “earth suit”.

My goal as a professional IMAGE COACH is for you to understand this. It excites me when I can be an agent to help you see how valuable and unique you are, how precious you are in His eyes, simply WOW.

♦YOU and your unicity are the focus of this coaching module #lookQUALITY!

In 23 sessions we develop your signature look by focusing on your unique STYLE, which is as unique as your fingerprint.

In 23 sessions you will learn about:

  • Your unique color combination

  • Your unique silhouette, proportions to highlight your personal style

  • These fit your personality,

  • your values,

  • your personal circumstances and involvement in society

  • your preferences,

  • your needs,

  • your desires

  • You will know which accessories, haircut and make-up highlight your personal features

  • You will walk away with three signature looks and combinations for your different events

You will not be pressed into any mold.

On the contrary, you´ll experience freedom:

• from the dictate of fashion

• from the opinion of the people

• from your personal insecurity

 “Copying is easy. A stylish and unique appearance, on the other hand, is work!”

Comment the word #WOW in comment section and I'll send you the information on how online image coaching could look like.

Remember, the best investment is in yourself, because you are an IMAGE of your Creator God. That makes you W.O.W.!

• W. Worthy

• O. Original

• W. Wonderful

My Beloved!

Welcome to my blog!
As an holistic image and life coach its my passion to inspire and empower Christian women globaly to develop their holistic beauty in body, soul & spirit through coaching.
RISE with STYLE from the ashes of your broken dreams. 

You were meant to thrive. 
Find your voice and leave a legacy. 
Let me know how I can serve you.

Contact me!

Más información
Artsy Magazine

Thrive in Your Vision

🔥My mission is to encourage and empower Christian women to unfold their unique potential and holistic beauty in order to leave a legacy for generations to come. Our time calls more than ever for mothers like "Deborah," or queens like "Esther," and courageous women like Ruth!

As a professional image and life coach, a holistic approach is important to me so that women can find their balance and let their beauty of mind, body and soul shine in a new light. This allows them to rise from the "ashes" of their limiting beliefs and shattered dreams, to overcome common health problems and painful experiences, to live their message with renewed energy and dignity, so that they actually feel beautiful in their own skin.

To make that happen, I developed a DIY coaching plan, 💥#RISEwithSTYLE.

In the words of Jodie Foster:

"I'm not interested in being perfect when I'm older. I'm interested in a narrative, a story. It is her story that is truly the most beautiful thing about women.”

The plan 💥#RISEwithSTYLE consists of three to five modules (depending on your needs), each with 23 impulses and tools that will help you further on your path to personal knowledge.

♥ Your profit:

• You don't have to suffer any longer in silence

• On the contrary, a fulfilled, meaningful life awaits you

• You will comprehend your purpose

• You will develop a clear vision of the future you dream of

• You will be guided to define your mission and craft clear steps on how to achieve your vision

• This not only gives you a healthy self-esteem and confidence,

• You will also irradiate attractive charisma and irresistible beauty.

Don't waste time! Let this year be one of the best years of your life. Embark on the #journey of discovery to your #vision and #mission.

♥Sign up today!


#LynetteFunk #Image & #LifeCoach

#VisionistMission #RISEwithSTYLE

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