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11 ago 20232 Min. de lectura
Cross the Bridge
Imagine yourself on that brigde: On the other side is your desired future you dream of. There is the best version of you. How do you...
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2 ago 20231 Min. de lectura
Be the "Super-Hero" of your Story
Be the "Super-Hero" of YOUR STORY! Your story is unique, so is your message. There is someone out there, who needs to hear your message....
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28 jul 20232 Min. de lectura
Don't dream your life! Live your dreams!
What comes to your mind, when reflecting on the quote: “A life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing. It can´t fly.”...
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25 jul 20232 Min. de lectura
Train your Mental Fitness
♦Can you believe that God created YOU on purpose!? **** With a PURPOSE****** He designed this world with you in mind. When we understand...
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24 jul 20232 Min. de lectura
Waiting times are TRAINING TIMES
⁉Are you in the waiting room?! If you're like me, waiting is no fun. I become impatient and prefer "instant solutions". However, a quick...
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6 jul 20231 Min. de lectura
Rise with Style from the ashes of your broken dreams
I see women all over the world rising to their full potential. I see them realizing their worth and their value. They are embracing their...
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