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11 abr 20246 Min. de lectura
"Embracing Grace: How to Cultivate a Graceful Thinking and Lifestyle"
Seize your Higher Calling and Embrace a Lifestyle of GRACE. Seize your true rightful Identity and your unique VISION and live a life...
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3 feb 20246 Min. de lectura
"7 Key Habits for Restoring Your Temple: Taking Care of Your Physical and Mental Health"
You´ve probably heard this saying before: „Mens sana in corpore sano“. It is in Latin meaning “a healthy mind in a healthy body” –...
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25 ene 20243 Min. de lectura
Unleash Your Full Potential: How Life Coaching Can Help You Leave a Lasting Legacy
“You will NEVER maximize your potential in any area without COACHING. It is impossible. You may be good. You may even be better than...
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23 ene 20243 Min. de lectura
Embracing Self-Love: Why it's Important for Your Beauty and Confidence!
💯True beauty begins within, in our hearts! “You must love the LORD, your God with all your heart…, and your neighbor AS yourself!” Luke...
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17 ene 20242 Min. de lectura
The Power of Choosing: 8% versus 92% - Life or Blessing?
🔥Attention 🔗 just read in "...The New Year is 17 days old – or rather, young. If you have bravely stuck to your resolutions...
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1 nov 20233 Min. de lectura
Change your FOCUS and change your LIFE!
This picture illustrates to me a “change of focus”. While being on a walk through a park, my focus was on the colored leafs and trees. It...
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