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"7 Key Habits for Restoring Your Temple: Taking Care of Your Physical and Mental Health"

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You´ve probably heard this saying before: „Mens sana in corpore sano“.

It is in Latin meaning “a healthy mind in a healthy body” – implying that physical exercise not only improves the condition of the body but also improves the performance of the brain. “When the body moves the brain grooves.” (Jim Kwik) This principle only proves the Bible is right:

♦God's Recipe for Holistic Health and Well-Being:

 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” (Prov 17:22)

The connection between emotional and physical health is undeniable. A happy, joyful heart (emotions and thankful thoughts) keep the body healthy, but a depressed, sad, worried, fearful mind not only drains our strength but also makes us eventually sick. It is impossible to have positive thoughts and feel bad. Or on the contrary, it is impossible to feel good, if you have negative, complaining thoughts. There is this saying, you can´t pour from an empty cup. If you feel drained, you simply can´t be your best version. You can´t be running with joy in the purpose you were made for. You can´t shine like the Queen you were meant to be.

Neurology has clearly proven the truth of today´s verse. We should take it seriously, as seriously as we would take a prescription prescribed by a doctor. A few days ago I was attending a lecture from a doctor. He said, "We doctors often don't perceive the person as a whole, we tend to see only the sick organ." He further emphasized the importance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Doctors confirm this truth from God's Word! If this divine recipe would be applied, some organs would heal on their own and hospitals would be emptier and people would be happier and live a fulfilled life.

As already mentioned, it is now scientifically proven by Neurology that what we think about, what we believe, has a direct impact on our health. Negative thoughts are toxic thoughts that literally make the body “toxic” and thus create a constant state of inflammation.

God's medicine is truly a very effective antidote. God's Word tells us again and again that we should think about EVERYTHING that is good and pure and praiseworthy, that we should not worry, that we should not be afraid, etc. I choose healthy and grateful thoughts daily. We are not alone. God's Spirit, His breath is our helper (see Phil 4:6-8).

♦Do you remember Jesus getting angry, or upset?

 On one occasion it was when he came into the temple area and it was crowded and noisy, and corrupt merchants were buying and selling their goods. He turned over their tables and said: “My dwelling place (sanctuary) will be known as a house of prayer for many nations, but you have made into a hangout for thieves.” (see Matth 21:12-17) John mentions a similar event where Jesus drastically drives out the money changers and merchants with a whip calling the Temple His Father’s house. He even is referring to His own body as a Temple, which will be destroyed and built up again in 3 days. (John 2:14-19). The Apostle Paul also is referring to our bodies as a sanctuary, a temple for the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 6:19, it is stated, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” This means that our bodies are not our own but of God, and that is why it should be clear and pure of unnecessary impurities

It upsets me, it should upset us, when people are corrupting their bodies making it a robber den. I get angry when they blame others or circumstances for it, when they get sick or don’t feel well.

We are responsible to work on our healty habits:

We are the sum of our habits. We are not victims of our genes. However, our genes can be triggered by an unhealthy, unhappy, unfulfilled lifestyle. Therefore, in the coaching programm #risewithstyle we train these holistic healthy habits to stay fit and well until old age.

Check it out on my website www.risewithstylecoach and book the programm: #risewithstyle, 90 - Coaching Sessions for a Holistic Make-over: Mind (Vision), Body (integral health & fitness) Image Design (unleash the Queen you were meant to be). #lynettefunk #risewithstylecoach #lifecoach #purposedrivenlife #imageconsultant #authentic #wow

♥Seven Habits to a Holistic Healthy Lifestyle:

1.    Be thankful: That´s God's Recipe for Holistic Health and Well-Being:

🙏🏼Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

The connection between emotional and physical health is undeniable. A happy, joyful heart (emotions and thankful thoughts) keep the body healthy, but a depressed, sad, worried, fearful mind not only drains our strength but also makes us eventually sick. There is this saying, you can´t pour from an empty cup. If you feel drained, you can´t be your best version. You can´t be running with joy in the purpose you were made for. You can´t shine like the Queen you were meant to be.


2.    Eat whole, real, natural foods from God's "pharmacy":

Provide your brain and body with a nutrient-rich, wholesome, fresh, and above all plant-based diet, which we supplement with lots of good proteins from animal sources and we pay attention to healthy fats. These are actually much more important than you think because your brain is made up of about 60 percent fat, so it's extremely important to eat plenty of healthy fats (including anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids).

3.    “Water your life”!

More than 60% of our bodies consist of water and these organs need water to function well. Prepare 2 liters of water in the morning and by night those bottles are empty. Then you know you are doing good. Often our body doesn’t realize the difference between hunger and thirst. We have to train our bodies to feel thirst again.

4.    Avoid Processed food and most of all Sugar:

We avoid as much as possible industrial products, especially all the sugar loaded food: like catchup, sodas or bought fruit juices, even yogurt for children is loaded with sugar, sugared cornflakes. We avoid everything white: white sugar, white flour, white salt, white rice...We eat what has grown on a plant and not in a plant. The food industry is only interested in your money and not in your health. Studies confirm that high sugar consumption not only contributes to depression, it is highly addictive due to the dopamine rush it triggers. Did you know, that “Alzheimers” is called Diabetes Type 3?  The more you avoid the hidden sources of sugar, the better you will feel. Your energy levels rise and you´ll be able to think clear again.

5.    Move your body:

We were created for action and movement and that's why we should intentionally move our bodies at least 15 minutes on daily basis and work on our muscle building. Studies show that exercise in the fresh air is the best antidepressant. The older we get, the faster we lose muscle mass, therefore it is essential for our health in older age to move our bodies on a regular basis. When our bodies move, our brains groove. To older we get, the more important it is to move our bodies and not less.

6.    Stress management:

 Our body needs a healthy balance of work and relaxation. That's why we pay attention to relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises and awareness training. Feeling constantly stressed becomes a sure way to become depressed, sick, and burned out. Our weaker organs will respond and suddenly we have high blood pressure, or heart burn, or high cholesterol levels. What calms and relaxes you? Among other things, we train the importance of conscious deep breathing and practice mindfulness training.

7.    Sleep management:

Poor, irregular sleep only contributes to, or worsens, depression. That's why you should aim for at least seven to eight hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep every night. Turn your cellphones off at least an hour before you go to bed for better sleep. The blue light influences our circadian rhythm and causes sleep problems.

In the #30DaysTotalWellnessChallenge you will receive instructions for all of these areas for 30 days. The goal is for us to implement God's recipe from Proverbs 17:22 and bring all areas of life into a healthy balance.

►Check the full session on this topic and don´t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

If you truly want to restore your Temple and recover your holistic health, I highly recommend to book the module #30daystotalwellnesschallenge today.

You were meant for so much more. But you have to be willing to do the steps it takes. No one will do them for you!!



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