Choose Life!
”Life is the Sum of all your Choices.” (Albert Camus)
Someone else said, that life is the “C” between B and D. • “B” stands for birth. • “D” stands for death. • “C” stands for CHOICES. What do you choose to do with your life? With the DASH -? (*10.03.1966 - ? It´s the between time we are given to live. Wasted time is wasted life. What do you CHOOSE to do with the new year coming up? Remember, what we don´t plan for doesn´t happen, it is just a good wish. How are you planning to get prepared for 2024? Remember, our life is short like a dash - , what are you choosing to do with it? What legacy do you want to be remembered for? Maybe you feel overwhelmed and don´t know where to start?
Let me share a few suggestions: - Start with cleaning the “corners”, those areas you tend to overlook in your life. What corners should you declutter and clean up before starting the new year? - What past pain should you let go of? Do you feel crushed in some areas of your past? Then be encouraged: “Sweet wine comes from crushed grapes. If you want God's anointing on your life, expect to be crushed.” (Rick Warren) So expect to get the “new wine”. However, “new wine” needs “new wineskins” as well. Therefore, choose to be flexible and open to new learning moments. - Reflect on what memories do you want to treasure? Write them down. They are so inspirational at the moment, and it gives you the opportunity to look back even years later and encouraging yourself. And it becomes part of your unique story you can share with others. - How can you use your past pain, your brokenness, to make it your treasure, your new wine, your story? Someone out there needs to hear it. - Decide to flourish on the inside and sparkle on the outside! - It´s time to get in full alignment with your unique purpose, potential and beauty that´s inside of you! Let everyone know you love life, because you love your Maker! He is in love with you. So can you!
If you need help to get started, let me be your guide, your coach. Having a coach helps you to actually see the clutter, that hinders you from growing and flourishing. It helps you to get focused on your goals and dreams and to create the reality you desire for. Ready to turn the page and write a new and BEAUTIFUL chapter of your life in 2024? Well, you are only ONE decision away from a complete make-over to become the best version of yourself. If you really want to look good and feel good, you will make the time and I will teach you the KNOW-HOW!
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