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"Crowned with Glory"

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"Greatness is not something you achieve, but something you discover."

- Robin Sharma

Unleash and Honor Your Greatness

Made for a purpose:

Your life is significant, because you are handmade by your Master Designer to reflect His beauty and glory.

You are crowned with divine glory. Can you imagine, God YAHWEH- the Creator of all the beauty and splendor, reflecting His creative genius in the heavens and on all the earth calls us His Image-Bearers. As we read in His word:

“Yet what honor you have given to men, created only a little lower than Elohim (same word as used in Hebrew for the Creator God in Gen.1:1), crowned with glory and magnificence. You have delegated to them rulership over all you have made, with everything under their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers.” (Psalm 8:5-6 TPT)

Your very existence, your life itself, reflects and represents God on this earth. How magnificent is that! You are IMAGO DEI, meaning, your life has purpose and meaning because God has made you to be like Himself.

IMAGO DEI means that your life has intrinsic value. IMAGO DEI means that your life is sacred because He has stamped his identity onto yours.

IMAGO DEI  in that sense means, you are sharing God´s nature, His beauty, His creativity. It´s in your DNA. You were made to reflect Him and to proclaim what He is like by loving what He loves and doing what He does.

IMAGO DEI you are made for His glory.


♦How do you discover, build and develop your personal "greatness", your divine design?

Here are some important steps:

1.    Identity:

Be aware of WHO God is and how He sees you: infinitely valuable and wonderfully made. Understand WHO YOU ARE in reality. You are not your past or what others say about you, but what God says about you: a daughter of the King of kings, you are part of the royal priesthood, an ambassador of Christ.

As His Image-bearer you reflect His glory and creativity. We are His agents here on earth to reflect His glory. This gives us not only great dignity, but a great responsibility.

We are HIS brand, His trademark, His representatives.


2.    Value:

“Your diamond is not in far-off mountains or in distant seas; it is in your own backyard, if you will but dig for it." (quote by Russell Conwell's in "Acres of Diamonds")

My VALUE depends on the fact, that God placed His image on us, engraved on me. Like a coin has only value because it carries engraved the image of the King or Governor it represents, so we carry engraved His image and so are crowned with glory, honor and beauty.

Have you ever heard of the story “Acres of Diamonds”?

The basic story written by Russell Conwell revolves around a Persian farmer who loses his life and significant wealth looking for a mine of diamonds in other places, when, ironically, his own farm land (which he sold to finance his search for diamonds) literally contained acres of diamonds. The author wanted to let us know, that opportunity lurks in everyone´s backyard. It´s on us to discover the potential and explore the wealth.

God sees the potential and value He has placed in me. He confirms my identity and commissions me to be am fruitful and creative with the resources He has entrusted me and so, fulfilling my godly purpose: “Be fruitful and multiply…”

We are called to be stewards of our temple (our body, beauty and health) as well as our Time, Treasures, Talents. Let´s explore the treasures in us and stop wasting time looking elsewhere.


3.     Self-care is Temple Care: 

God has delegated authority to us to care and steward what He has created. And we do it the same way He does- by being creative, life-giving people.

 "We are what we are through our body!" Have you ever thought about that? "What we are is what we are through our body. The body is the glove of the soul, its language the word of the heart. Every inner movement, feelings, emotions, desires are expressed through our body." Samy Molcho, a famous mime has put it this way: “Your body is the glove of the soul”. What does your body reflect through your attitude, your manners and your wardrobe choices?


4.    Discover and Love Your Personal Style:

Say NO to all ugliness of fashion trends. Say NO to boring clothing. Beauty is a basic need. Beauty makes creative. God created you to be beautiful and creative.


5.    Stand Up for Your Greatness!

"Greatness lies not in what you have achieved, but in what you are." – (Marianne Williamson)


As an Image Coach, my vision is to help women discover and live their greatness. I'm excited when they better understand their inner value and wonderful being, and also show their greatness outwardly through an authentic appearance and demeanor.

Now it's time to discover and live your greatness!


Sign up now for a complimentary coaching session and let's discover your inner beauty and greatness together!


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I look forward to guiding you on your journey to self-discovery and acceptance!







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