Don't dream your life! Live your dreams!
What comes to your mind, when reflecting on the quote: “A life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing. It can´t fly.” _____________
Is there hope?
Of course there is. Broken wings can heal and fly again. If you remember my last blog post on “KINTSUGI”. There is always hope, if we give our broken pieces to the MASTER ARTIST who created us in such a unique way.
However, we have to understand, that NO success is achieved ONLY by dreaming. It is also necessary to have firm intentions, crystal clear goals and a roadmap on how to get there. So get up and prepare and Do the steps, so your dreams will come true.
The following quote by Myles Monroe really hit me. “The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.”
Don´t die with your music never sung, like Benjamin Disraeli says it.
God only has good plans for our lives, thoughts of the future and hope. Knowing that we can approach our dreams with confidence and be sure that HE not only created them, but that HE will also accomplish it through us. We don't have to hide in a corner anymore. Step out of the shadows. Be courageous and become visible. Sing the song that's in your heart. Paint that picture, write the book, put on your nice dress, use the best dishes...and flourish in the place where HE has planted you.
• Do you know what people at the end of their life regret most?
Bronnie Ware, Australian, who worked as a palliative care nurse has summarized her experiences in a book: "The Top five Regrets of the Dying."
On first place was: “I wish I´d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
Check it out:
What does it mean to have the courage to live a life true to myself?
We are all created uniquely, with unique gifts and dreams, with unique stories and with a very personal mission. Not living a true life means you´re not living up to your purpose. It means that you are always listening more to the expectations of others. You give in to their pressure and don't listen to your heart. You are a people pleaser.
How can you become a “God-Pleaser” instead and live the life He designed for you?
What "music" is in you that you haven't sung yet? What dream that God dreamed of you and that he wants to continue dreaming with you is still lying fallow? Don't take him to the grave! Ask yourself:
©"What do I really want?"
© Why am I doing what I'm doing?
©If today was your last day of your life, what would I regret most?" What is stopping you?
As a certified and experienced #Image & #LifeCoach, I will guide you step by step by giving you simple tools and practical tips that will guide you to find and live your unique dream.
Sign up for one of my #coachingplans and I will guide you in the #process.
