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Embrace your Heavenly Design! You are worthy to feel and look your best at any stage of your life!

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♥ Shine, that is your calling.

I want to encourage you today: SHOW YOUR PROFILE, be authentic and become visible as the true YOU were meant to be. Authenticity, being real, does not mean PERFECTION, but embracing your imperfections, the willingness to learn from your personal story, even with your mistakes and to accept help to get to the next level. Anyone who accepts this process is on the way to excellence. Such person develops an authentic charisma and irresistible attractiveness.

The clearer and more genuine your profile (think of the profile of a tire), the clearer the trace and impression you leave behind. We speak of genuineness or authenticity when our IMAGE (external appearance and behavior) is consistent with our personal values ​​and beliefs and with our message. Such people have a convincing charisma. The clearer the profile, the more clearly we leave a good impression, a good trace.

Anyone who has not yet understood their unique identity must always seek confirmation from the outside, be it through perfection, performance or material possessions. People-pleasers would be another variant of this trap, or the so called "Cinderella syndrome", where they prefer to be invisible and hide in the ashes. They figure, if you are not seen, you are not criticized.

But the better we understand our identity, our value and our uniqueness, the more our SELF-CONFIDENCE and thus SELF-ASSURANCE grow. This recognition leads to confidence in our own abilities, joy in life and ease. Feeling comfortable and secure in your own skin gives you motivation and energy.

According to worldly standards and fashion trends, no one is perfect. No one has a so-called "perfect" figure or the perfect appearance.

♦In fact, who sets the standard?!

God had us, you and me in mind before He created the world. (See Eph 1:4 and 2:10 as well Ps. 139:16). He calls us His masterpiece, He saw our shape and every detail about our lives beforehand. He had a wonderful day when He created us for a purpose: to glorify HIM. He even has a heavenly masterplan for our lives designed in heaven. Do you know the unique purpose YOU were created for? If not, would you like to find out?

In practical terms, this means that every person has been given EVERYTHING to live out exactly the mission for which they were created. We just have to learn to walk WITH him in his perfect plan, to walk on his mission for us, to align our will with HIS.  He has already prepared everything. Your identity and your destiny are perfectly planned by him. According to Psalms 136 everyone has even the "perfect" body shape and color combination. Concluding, even our appearance is planned by God, it matters to Him. It is up to us to recognize this and be willing to step into his perfect plan for us.

WHAT do we do with what He has entrusted to us, be it our gifts (talents), our time, the treasures (finances) entrusted to us and managing our temple (body)? That is our responsibility.

♦Do you want to shine and live in your destiny? Do you want to develop your potential, your beauty and uniqueness and run in your heavenly design?

Find out more about God´s Blueprint (your vision) for all areas of your life and how to manage them for His glory (your mission):

-          Spiritual and mental growth

-          Relationships

-          Job & Finances

-          Health and Fitness

-          Beauty and Image Design


♦As an experienced and internationally certified professional life coach and image consultant, I am passionate about helping women to discover their heavenly blueprint and develop their full potential and beauty for God´s glory.

♦Sign up today for a free 1-1 Coaching Call and find out how this could work out for you!




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