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"Embracing Grace: How to Cultivate a Graceful Thinking and Lifestyle"

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Seize your Higher Calling and Embrace a Lifestyle of GRACE.

Seize your true rightful Identity and your unique VISION and live a life filled with grace, love and beauty.

Remember, there is a better way: You were made to thrive, even after 40.

That´s the truth I realized, when I turned 40. At first, it felt like “hitting the wall”. But that is, when my journey to true beauty and grace began. Now, 18 years later, I keep reminding myself of this great truth.

►Watch me sharing my story:

Today I encourage you to embrace the truth of your divine calling and break free:

♦From Victimhood to Victory!

♦From Mess to Message!

♦From Invisible to Invincible!

Here is the ROADMAP to THRIVE in Grace and Beauty:

1.    Be Teachable:

Remember WHO and WHOSE you are: God is your designer and He loves you unconditionally. He invites you to thrive as you step into a greater story, HIS story.

Do only thing He asks of you to be TEACHABLE!

He asks you today: “do you want to see?” He opened the eyes of the blind, and He wants to open your eyes to your “blind-spots”, to your inner barriers, so you can truly see. Dismantle the lies of your old story, your limiting beliefs, of scarcity mindset and victim mentality.

He opened mine and we will certainly open yours as well.

That´s when the journey of change begins and it means hard work and training!

2.    TRAIN your Mind and Reframe your Old Story:

Instead of chanting in your head this “old song”:“YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH!”

-       You are not good enough

-       You are not smart enough

-       You are not strong enough

-       You are not worthy

-       Not perfect enough…NOT enough!

These hidden barriers must be identified and reframed into a new song of victory. Otherwise, they are like a “glass ceiling” that keep you from flying into your true identity.

Sing instead the “new song”:

♥The breaking of my heart has become the making of my heart!

♥I know WHO I am and WHOSE I am, so who can be against me.

♥ I am precious in His eyes.

♥My mess becomes my message.

♥I am chosen to be his representative.

♥I am unique and brilliant. He´s made me a unique masterpiece and has called me to do the good works, He already has prepared in advance for us (see Eph 2:10).

♥He called me worthy to be His IMAGE-Bearers and His Ambassadors (see 2Cor 5:20)

Whenever a lie pops up, silence it with the truth.

Train yourself daily by repeating this new song of victory.

“The false stories we believe about ourselves can trap us in the wrong living patterns. The truth is, that it´s your real background story and exact details that God wants to use for this exact moment in time.” (Hosanna Wong)

♥Do this GRACE Training-Exercise every morning in front of your mirror:

-       I am who He says I am

-       I am wonderfully made with an YOU:nique purpose

-       I am worthy to be visible and to share my message, my story and so inspire others

-       I know enough to get started and I will improve while being on my way

-       I am equipped and prepared enough to serve the people around me

-       I will keep the attitude of a lifelong learner and serve others with what I´ve learned

-       I strive for lifestyle of grace and excellence, but I don´t do perfection and overwhelm

-       I am more than a conqueror in Christ (Rom 8:37)

-       I am confident, because I´m in divine partnership with my heavenly partner and lover Jesus Christ

-       I keep moving forward, no matter how messy and imperfect it can be sometimes

-       I am worthy to love and to be loved.

-       I am chosen, therefore I choose to put on the graceful and classy wardrobe provided for me by my Creator: love, grace, diligence, excellence, humility, strength and dignity

-       I am free to be a woman of grace and class and not of mass.

-       I know my worth and therefore I step up with confidence and authenticity.

-       I am worthy to live a long, healthy and purposeful life, therefore I move my body and feed it with quality food.

-       I have a voice and a message. I know, someone out there needs to hear my message.


3.    THRIVE in your new lifestyle of GRACE and embrace your YOU:nique BEAUTY:

In 2Cor 4:7 we read: “We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that this immeasurable power will be seen as God´s not ours.”

This means we are fragile, breakable. Yet we possess the brilliant light of God´s glory, Jesus Christ, and carry HIM as treasure in our being. 

♦According to this verse, what is my purpose, my vision, my mission for this life here on earth?

♦It´s not about the “perfect vessel”, it´s not about me first, but my purpose is to carry this wonderful treasure of the immeasurable power of God in us. We carry His light, His love and grace in us. That is our purpose: To BE LIGHT!

♦By calling us jars of clay, Paul makes it clear that we are all unique. We come in different shapes, sizes, colors and we even have different uses.

Jars of clay are unique; they don’t all look the same. The potter, God, is THE artist. He is purposeful in how he shapes, molds, details and designs every part of us. There is beauty in each jar of clay, even in cracked ones. Ultimately, we are all used by God for his glory, but he can use us in different ways, just like a jar of clay.

However, like a jar of clay, we can easily be broken. Before a jar of clay is actually baked into a jar, it is just a piece of clay, easily bent and molded. But once complete, they are very easily broken, just like us.

♦We are called to take good care for this fragile vessels, our bodies.


First of all, by respecting our physical and spiritual needs and practice Self-Love and Self-Care. I have developed a module on this topic: holistic health and fitness.

Restore and reset your health and fitness because: You are unique and precious AND delicate and breakable as a jar of clay.  You hold a treasure and were created to share your light with others. Be confident in who you are and for the purpose you´ve been created for.

♦Never forget:

Our God is an artist who made you with great purpose and beauty in mind.

Your personal story matters. Every detail, every loose end, every piece of a “puzzle” fits in perfectly to make the YOU:nique YOU!


Coach yourself asking yourself these questions. Take time to reflect on them, your answer could change your life:

•      What was I created for? What is my purpose?

•      Ask yourself: "What do I really want?"

•      In which areas do I need restoration? Rewrite your old story and start writing your new one: I am worthy, …..

•      Start living your dream, your vision! Your message matters.

Mother Theresa said: “Life is a dream, make it reality.”  She lived her dream, her vision, and no difficulties could ever stop her. In doing so, she changed the world and inspired many people to so to this day.

♥Dream the life you really want – your vision is the ticket to your destination,

“The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.”― Myles Munroe

♥Which song is in your heart that the world needs to hear?

Which story has to be told? Someone out there is in desperate need of it. Are you willing to serve that person with your story? How you have survived and overcome your mess? You will change the world for that person!!

Ready to go?

Change starts today! With you taking action!

Need a coach to guide you step by babystep through this process?Let me know, how I can help you to reach the gracefilled life you´re dreaming of.




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