"Embracing Self-Love: The Key to Personal Transformation"
Love yourself because you know WHO you are. Every transformation starts with knowing WHO you really are:

· YOU are a masterpiece,
· an image-bearer of God,
· outstanding, called to be light
· called to be an Excellency 24/7
· God called you to be priests and kings
· He anointed you to be His ambassador of reconciliation.
♥God has placed so much dignity and value upon you. Therefore, honor HIM and be the BRAND, outstanding, uniquely YOU:
The foundation of your personal brand starts with IDENTITY. Your worth is anchored in knowing who you really are and not on outward circumstances. Self-Worth is stable and not dependent on circumstances. It is the belief in the value of you as the person. Your worth does not depend on your success, and not on your perfect weight or looks. It does not depend on the labels you or others have given you.
♥Be reconciled with your unique worth. Love yourself for the imperfect perfect self you are. Reconciliation starts with you: Loving yourself because God loved you first.
📍Let's start by asking yourself these questions:
· Identity: Who am I really at my core? What are my old beliefs? How am I going to replace them with God´s truth about me?
· Values: What truly matters to me? Are my values based on timeless principles? Which are they?
· Vision: What are my real aspirations? What does the life of my dreams look like? Do I believe I am worthy of those dreams? Or what is keeping me from going after them?
· Mission: How do I embody my unique purpose? Who will be touched and blessed through my life, my message?
· IMAGE: How do I align my values and message with my appearance? How do I want to highlight it with the choice of my colors and my style in order to leave a lasting impact?
Sparkle! Be beautiful inside and out. Show with your appearance that you love yourself like God loves you. Demonstrate that you are HIS IMAGE-bearers.
We read in Genesis 1:26 that we are created to be literally an image of God on this earth. We are His representatives. What do IMAGES do? They reflect the master. They declare ownership. Being an image bearer is not about me, but about who HE is and about what HE says about me and you.
Our purpose as IMAGE-bearers is to reflect HIM and to honor HIM, our Creator.
His fingerprints are on us. We are an original. Look at your fingerprint. That’s the proof. In this whole world there is no one exactly like you. Therefore, copying or comparison makes no sense.
If you lack self-worth, if you don´t love yourself, you prefer to hide. Stop hiding the real YOU. Stop showing up as your “representative”, as a copy of someone else. Become visible and show up authentically you.
✨A happy and thankful client who just completed this coaching plan on authentic image and building your wardrobe, puts it this way:
"Before, I had no idea about my colors. I was also always totally unsure whether my clothes suited me or not. Now I am confident, because I know which style suits me, and which colors makes me shine. Today I understand that it's not just clothes that make a woman shine and make her look beautiful, but that true beauty comes from within. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of new things about myself. It was a great coaching experience and I already received compliments on the way I combined my outfits."
Decide to be visible and learn to love yourself inside and out.
Sparkle. Inside and out!

♦As #certified and experienced #IMAGEcoach I'm fascinated by the word #IMAGE!
Because once you understand who you truly are and understand your worth you are FREE to thrive and be this wonderful and YOU:nique person you were meant to be.
Image Coaching is a path to excellence. It´s about aligning your true essence, your true identity with your “appearance". Only when both match we can talk about AUTHENTIC IMAGE.
Decide today to align your image with God´s vision about you.
You are deeply loved and valued.
He gives you so much dignity.
Decide to become visible.
►Check out my coaching offer and sign up today. Don´t waste any more time. Start the discovery to your beautiful and unique self you are!!