Embracing Self-Love: Why it's Important for Your Beauty and Confidence!
💯True beauty begins within, in our hearts!
“You must love the LORD, your God with all your heart…, and your neighbor AS yourself!” Luke 10:27
Everything is connected. If you can't love yourself, you not only reject everything good and beautiful, it's also impossible to truly love God and other people. It works like the law of gravity: what we think, we speak and we do and that is exactly what we attract like a magnet. Our thoughts shape our character and we reap what we have sown into our minds and body.
♥So, what can I do to love myself, regardless of my age and circumstances?
💫First I can learn to see myself from God's perspective. He made me U(YOU)ni:que and beautiful: a masterpiece, one of a kind. Just look at your fingerprint. Of all the billions of people who live and have lived and ever will live, no one has one quite like you. If that doesn't show how brilliant the Creator is and how HE has designed us.
If you think or hear anything else within yourself, it is a lie from the enemy. That's why when it comes to authentic beauty, we should always start from within. Learn to pay attention to your inner voice(s): How do I talk to myself? What do I say about myself? If it's negative words like: my skin isn't nice, my legs are too strong, another new wrinkle, I am to big, etc... that's exactly what we're going to attract and reinforce.
“As a man thinks, so is he,” is a saying from the book of Proverbs (Bible).
♥Choosing beauty is a matter of the heart. That's why we should start today at the latest to consciously think beautifully about ourselves and express beauty. If we have a positive attitude towards ourselves, this will have an impact on our appearance, our confidence and impact.
♥Therefore: TRUE Beauty is first and foremost a matter of the heart!
🪷What else can I practically do?
Have you ever considered a professional IMAGE coaching process? You will receive personal tips for all areas of your life and aspects, some of which you can see in the photos and in the video I have posted. Check it out:
♥What can it be for you? What suits you?
💫 Comparing makes no sense because we are all unique, which I call YOU:nique in English.
The basic principle remains. But how it is applied and implemented in your case can look completely different.
❤Yesterday I had the privilege of advising my “old” friend on her colors, makeup, haircut and glasses.
She gave me the permission to share the results. (see photos or the video where I show the end result and a few steps on how natural make-up is done.
💄One practical advice:
What should I pay attention to when putting on lipstick?
I emphasize the lips with a lip liner and lipstick that match my color harmony. In the video you can see how to do it step by step. The older we get, the more important it is that we add a little color to our lips. Because the skin becomes a little duller and often a little gray. A subtle made-up simply makes us look fresher and we feel beautiful. Don't forget to always apply lip balm before applying lipstick and apply the lip liner before applying the lipstick. This prevents the lipstick from running out. Otherwise your lips will become slightly dry and chapped and the lipstick will no longer look good.
How about glossy lips? It´s for the younger girls and women. The older we get, the less glossy stuff we should use, because it highlights and makes the more mature skin look older.
💫How did you like today's tip?
What was helpful to you?
What are your open questions?
💯I would be happy to help and accompany you in your wonderful and unique process: YOU are YOU:nique.
Your body, your gifts, your beauty, that is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to him.
💫I am happy to answer any further questions and would be happy to serve you with the knowledge I have acquired and my many years of experience as an image coach.
Don´t forget to check out the YouTube Video on this topic!
Your #LynetteFunk