"Embracing the New Season: How to Thrive After Turning 40"
♥Turning 40 is not the End!
It is an INVITATION to NEW BEGINNINGS, to live the Life of your Dreams

Why make such a drama when turning 40?
I don´t know about you, but when I turned 40 I was scared and really in a bad place emotionally Why is it pictured as something to be scared of?
Did you know that the number 40 symbolizes actually transformation and the beginning of a new chapter, of new season, of growth and abundance? It’s a sacred number in the Bible and it signifies new life, new growth, transformation, and a change from one great task to another great task. The number forty appears in the Bible over 150 times. So again I ask why all the bad vibes around turning 40?
Turning 40 for me literally turned out to be a season of new beginnings and blessings. I asked myself, if God is the creator of the seasons in nature and in life, He must have seen and wanted beauty in and for each season.He must have a good way, a better way for me and every one, a way of abundance and joy which is not dependent on age nor circumstances. That´s how I found new insights and directions for my life. It became part of my purpose to tell you about this better way:
Are you a middle aged woman struggling to find balance and purpose for this new season?"If the wind of change blows some build walls while others build windmills".
What about you?
Remember, change is inevitable. But you choose how to deal with it: Build walls and you suffer alone or you decide to “build windmills” and experience freedom and growth as never before.
Through my coaching program you will be able to define your purpose for this season:🍃A purpose gives you a deep sense of worth and meaning. Once you have defined your vision, it becomes your mission.🍃No matter the winds you use its power as you stay focused on your goal.
🍃If you run in your purpose you feel energized, motivated, inspired, driven!✅If you feel tired, burned out, confused, lost,...you are NOT running in your purpose!✅ Want to change it?
♥Those who know their vision have a mission!
♥Those who know their mission have the motivation (the driving force, the wind in their sails) to work on a plan to actually achieve their goal.
♥In the process you will learn to appreciate your personal story. Your unique story shapes you and makes you the unique person you can be tomorrow.
♥You will find your signature voice, because your story shapes your mission. Leave a valuable legacy for future generations.
🗝The three KEYS to not only find your inner balance and purpose, but also to unleash your unique potential and flourish in timeless beauty are:
♦Mindset: Exchange your “old story” and rewrite your “new story”
♦Lifestyle of renewed health and fitness
♦Authentic Image communicating your message, your personality through your “signature style”.
✨ Where do we start?
♥First key: Your dreams!✨
What do you really want? We start with your deepest desires and dreams. Therein lies your God-given vision. This vision is rooted in your story, making it as unique and valuable as your fingerprint.
♥Second Key: Your Plans! ✅
Once we have defined your vision, the life you really want, we will start with an action plan. Concrete goals are worked out and steps are considered on how you can put this vision into practice. That´s how your vision becomes your mission!
♥Third Key: Your Action! ✅
Now it´s time to focus on doing the actual steps. What will you be doing today? Where do you want to be in six months from now, or in a year, or in five years?
💯You will be amazed at how many hidden treasures and beauty you will discover through this process.
How I experienced turning 40? Watch this video and my conclusion: