"Embracing Your Worth: The Power of Authenticity and Elegance"

♥You are WORTHY to show up with Authenticity and true Elegance
Stop hiding.
Discover the true essence of your soul.
Start living like the real and authentic YOU.
Live in alignment with the person you were meant to be. Live your mission with love and passion. Living your real and authentic IMAGE can change your life.
Show up because you are worthy to be seen and heard. You are worthy to love and to be loved.
♥Embrace the Authentic YOU!...and believe in your Worthiness!
Are you still hiding, just in case you fail? Are you still doubting yourself?
Do you feel unseen in your core and keep telling yourself you´re not worthy?
Hiding? Playing safe? People pleaser? Play small?
“Self-doubt, unworthiness and fear cause us to dim our lights.”
(Jamie Kern Lima)
She explains further, you will get the life you believe you´re worthy of.
You´re chosen with purpose for a purpose.
Remember, you are uniquely made and your body is a miracle in motion, a masterpiece in the process.
♥Dress according to your Authentic YOU!
Show up in your authentic STYLE and with ELEGANCE because you are worthy of it!
Don´t settle for less. Stop looking for excuses.
Authentic Elegance and Style is not about the expensive outfits. It´s about your true essence, about YOU being worthy. It´s about becoming who you truly are.
If you dress accordingly it will uplift your mood and your attitude. Look in the mirror and dress up and say to yourself: “I am worthy to look my very best!”
Do you want to change the expectations of yourself and realize what makes you special and how you can actually get a breath of fresh air into your wardrobe so that it slowly but surely looks more and more like YOU? Wouldn´t you love if every piece simply fits and can be combined wonderfully?
Did you know that you only need about 10 pieces of basics to wear a new combination for every working day of the month?
This is absolutely exciting, refreshing and it doesn´t cost you a lot!
♥Say NO to the Dictatorship of the Fashion Industry!
TORN, RIPPED APART, pulled apart, split, divided - vs harmonious, elegant and happy.
Heart-less designers, people who just want to make a profit, exploit people by
designing heart-less, ugly, insane and humiliating outfits…
What does the public do?
They allow brain-washing for the sole purpose to be accepted.
Is your acceptance by others worth to deny yourself in such a way?
♥Say YES to Healthy Self ESTEEM and Value Yourself!
Do torn jeans truly elicit the response we hope for? In my view, people hide torn hearts, fractured by life's challenges such as divorce, hatred, and societal norms, covering it up with torn clothes will not make it any better.
It´s crucial to value and respect yourself, as well as others in your midst.
Rely on your own judgment instead of following trends driven purely by profit motives. Do you genuinely think this trend is stylish? Doesn't a woman desire to be appreciated for her beauty both inside and out? However, this trend diminishes her to wearing something no better than a "trash bag."
What’s the purpose of clothes anyway?
Why do we wear what we wear? Who do we want to impress? Or are we confident enough to have our own style?
You are CREATED as a beautiful, precious, yes truly elegant human being - you are not trash!!! So don´t wear trash.
Torn clothes are really a sign of low self-esteem: Beggars, poverty-stricken and a broken- hearted people wear torn clothes!!!
If you love casual outfits, enjoy that, if you like a more formal look, look the best, if you like creative looks, go for it!!! Do your thing, there’s so many styles out there for you to hand-pick and enjoy.
You are worthy to dress according to your dignity and innate elegance.
♥Dress up! Show up! Leave an impact!
A woman's true essence shines through when she embraces her genuine self, liberated from societal expectations and fashion dictatorship that dim her inner light.
However, most of the time, our own negative expectations get in the way and limit us. Start thinking and saying beautiful words about yourself. Remarks like “I can’t find anything,” or “It doesn’t exist anyway,” and the like limit you.
Once you understand the principle of your authentic elegance and your YOU:nique style you will move from “I don´t have anything to wear” to “I am worthy to have and to find the right outfits for me.” Because you know exactly what you need and want and what to look for.
· If you don´t ask, you´ll get no answer!
· If you dare nothing, you gain nothing!
· If you don't act consciously, you won't gain anything.
· If you don't look for it, you won't find the open door!
The choice is yours.
As #risewithstylecoach I am trained and experienced to guide you through your YOU:nique process of discovering your intrinsic value and elegance. Together we develop the authentic and beYOUtiful IMAGE you were meant to be.
►Check this session out on YouTube. There you´ll find a quiz that can help you to find your YOU:nique style.