Empower Your Mind by Transforming Your Style!

Let´s talk about the “Psychology of Colors”
In this blogpost you´ll discover how the choice of your colors influences your self-perception and confidence. My purpose as Image Coach is to guide you in a unique process to align your inner mindset with your outer style for a powerful, transformative makeover.
"You only get one first impression," goes the saying. And unfortunately, the second impression is always overshadowed by the first. Research shows that it only takes 7-10 seconds for us to "categorize" someone. Others do it with us. We do it with others. If that's a proven fact, why do so many people treat appearance and image as an unimportant side issue? Most of all, why do so many women choose to hide behind ugly clothes?
I have thought about reasons and this is what I have come up with:
1. Today “UGLY” has become fashionable.
2. Fear of standing out.
3. Indifference.
4. False humility.
5. Lack of self-esteem (inferiority).
6. Insecurity: Women who are not sure what to wear, what really suits them, haven´t defined their personal style. They end up with the so called “Cinderella Syndrome or what I call “hiding behind seven shades of grey”.
You might say we shouldn't judge. Appearance can be deceptive. It´s true. In our minds we know it, but still judging and classifying others is something we do automatically, whether we want it or not. Joyce Meyer says you can't judge a book by its cover, but it's the cover that usually makes us pick it up. Whether we like it or not, what we see influences us. We form our opinion on our first impressions. Making a good first impression is very important. Of course, we keep making lasting second and third impressions. Knowing this, why do some people choose to make such a terrible first impression?
On the other hand, think of something of great value to you. How do you treat it and take care of it? If we have something we consider valuable, we would do everything we could to take good care of it and look after it. In God's eyes, you are immensely more valuable than any precious think you own on this earth. Jesus was willing not only to come into this world for you, but even to die for you. That's how infinitely valuable you are to Him. He cares for you. Do you take good care of yourself?
♦ First Step: ATTITUDE
True beauty and elegance begins in your heart, it´s an attitude.
“As a (wo)man thinks in her heart, so is (s)he!” (Prov. 23:7)
I want to encourage you to think beautiful thoughts about yourself, because you attract what you think. Act upon what you think and decide to focus on those aspects you like about yourself. And don´t forget: Your personality is reflected in your face. Draw attention to your face by highlighting it with colors that let your eyes look bright and don´t draw attention to your body. If the color you´re wearing is not “your” color, it draws attention to your body and highlights the parts, you maybe don´t like about yourself. Watch my short video, where I explain, why black is not the best choice for you. Rather, choose your better black: shades of navy blue. You´ll see different options for every seasonal color type. I love to help people shine with the right colors and right intensity and contrast as well.
♦Second Step: PERCEPTION
How do you see yourself?
Can you sincerely look into your mirror and say: "I am awesomely and wonderfully made”?
The way you see yourself is how others perceive you!
For many years in my life, I couldn´t say that. I didn´t believe it.
When I was a young girl, I desired to be pretty, but all I saw in the mirror was a pale and colorless face. The colors that looked great on others, didn´t do the same for me. It was only years later, that I discovered the secret: It depends on your personal skin tone, and the color of your eyes and the color of your hair, that certain colors make you look awesome and turn on your light, while others just seem to turn off the light in your face. Today I am 50 and if I wear a color that brings out the glow of my natural coloring, I receive more compliments as when I was 18.
Imagine your life is a painting and you are Michelangelo. What colors would you choose? God, the creator of the universe and the seasons, has given each one of us a personalized color palette. The choice of the right colors makes your skin glow and your eyes shine. Discover your key colors and shine for your creator. That honors Him. Use your “paint brush” and style your unique beauty. You have it all!
♦Third Step: FOCUS
God is the creator of all beauty and His creativity is limitless. Take for example the different seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each season has its unique and harmonious colors. Just open your eyes and study the colors. Did you know for e.g., that even the colors of the blue sky, as well as the sunsets or sunrises are different depending on the season we are in? In Spring the sunsets or sunrises are of bright orange, while in Summer the soft rose pink colors are predominant. The same principle applies to every person. Depending on the color of your skin tone, of your eyes and your hair, you have a color harmony that we can relate to one of the seasons. A Spring person blooms in clear, delicate colors with warm yellow undertones like the first flowers of Spring. A Summer person glows in the soft and pastel colors of the sky and the sea, with their cool, blue undertones. A Fall person radiates in the warm, spicy and golden colors of the crisp and colorful fall leaves. A Winter person sparkles in the cool and icy colors, which remind you of glittering snowflakes.
►Check the video, you´ll find one representative of each season.
Now ask yourself: Am I a Winter Type? If not! Black is not a good color choice for you. At least not close to your face.
How to recognize a Winter Type? This is the group of people which present more varieties in their appearance than any other seasonal type. In spite of the different skin tones, all of them need cool, icy and crystal clear colors to look their best.
How to recognize a Winter Type? Some have a deep rosy skin-tone; others have an olive skin-tone or even black. Olive skinned people tend to think, their skin is golden, and however their skin actually has a blueish undertone. These people, as well as most black people and Orientals look radiant in clear, vivid, cool colors, but pale and faded in warm colors.
As your Image Coach I offer a holistic approach to your unique beauty. Age is just a number. Embrace it. Love it. Live it.
♦Never doubt again. Book your personal color & style analysis.
♦Create your perfect wardrobe capsules. Less is more!
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© Lynette Funk (27.09.24)