Experience the Thrill of the "NEW LOOK Feeling" and Embrace the Transformative Power of DRESSING UP!
Dressing up can boost your confidence. Most importantly, it sends a powerful message of SELF-WORTH. Remember, you deserve to present yourself as the best version of who you are!

♦Do you feel depressed sometimes? No energy? Not in the mood?
Well, try dressing up. You are worthy to treat yourself. Choose a nice outfit, that makes you feel good. Treat yourself with a manicure. Do your hair. And you will notice how your energy shifts. Your mood lifts. Your body language changes.
That´s the power of looking good. Look good, feel good. Feel good, look good. You will receive different response from people. They will respect you, because they see you respect yourself.
A new, positive image can have a more therapeutic effect then you can imagine. If you are happy with your image, your appearance, you will respect yourself more, your posture will improve, your mood will change and by giving yourself the respect you deserve, you earn the respect from others.
Decide to be a woman of class. Show your values through the choice of your wardrobe.
Image isn't just about looks; it's about Communication
What does your IMAGE communicate about you?
Many people think, Image it´s just a matter of appearance and fashion. But it goes so much deeper. Through your appearance you communicate:
1. How you feel about yourself
2. Your concept of self-worth
3. Your attitude
4. Your values
5. Your world view and beliefs
6. Respect of yourself and others
Therefore, a good image, let´s say appearance matters, but it's the lasting impression that truly matters.
ONE (of myriads) important aspect of looking good and feeling good about yourself is the choice of the right colors. Colors create a significant impact. Every color transports a message and elicits reactions. Colors affect you and others psychologically, physically and aesthetically.
How color-conscious are you? Let´s do this test:
1. When you open your closet do you see many colors of the rainbow?
2. Are there colors that make you appear pale and requiere more makeup?
3. Do you wear black a lot?
4. Do you have pure white and ivory blouses or tops?
5. Do you have shoes in different colors?
6. Or do you prefer the neutral tones, like black, brown and navy blue?
7. Do you combine your suits always with the same blouse or same color?
8. Do you use warm-toned lipsticks like peach and terracotta, as well as cool-toned options such as fuchsia and plum?
9. Do you stick to the same few colors because you know they look good on you?
10. Do you have clothes in royal blue as well as pastel blue or grey blue?
11. Do you wear one lipstick with everything?
If you answered “YES” to a maximum of 2-3 questions, you have a good idea about what suits you and may only need some fine-tuning with your colors.
If you answered “YES” to 3-6 questions, you are confused and wasting a lot of money.
If you answered “YES” to seven or more questions, you are pouring money down the drain and not making most of your natural good looks.

♦How do you feel about your results?
Would you like to change something?Remember, you are worthy to know what looks good on you.You are worthy to show up as the best version of you.Don´t settle for less.
Do you have any questions? Ask me anything!As trained and experienced Image Coach since 2009 have guided hundreds of women to a better concept about themselves, to feel beautiful for the first time in their life even. I would love to guide you through your personal process of discovery.
No matter your age, your size, your circumstances, you can always improve and learn to love you more. Your Creator loves every detail on you. His fingerprints cover you from head to toe. Love yourself, because He chose and loved you first!
♦Leave me a comment if you are interested to go deeper on this topic!!
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