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The Art of Embracing Femininity: Why It's More Powerful Than Ever

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♥The Art of Femininity is a forgotten or lost Art.

Being a Lady with class and style is never out of fashion. Your true beauty comes out, when you are willing to embrace your feminine traits, like your softness, your ability to receive and to give as you nurture your loved ones. You can anticipate what they need before they say it. You fight for your loved ones. And on top of all these and more wonderful attributes, you are “be-YOU-tiful” and “YOU_nique” in your own way.

Being feminine is not a defect, it´s not a sign of weakness, either. On the contrary! Being feminine and embracing the process of becoming this beautiful queen you are meant to be is very powerful.

If we reject femininity, we reject the ONE trait that makes us special and so unique as women.

♥One way to highlight your Femininity is KNOWING the power of COLORS.

What Color has the Light?

If you´ve ever seen a rainbow, then you know. The sum of all those colors is the white color of light. However, if you break the light for example through a drop of water: the outcome are the beautiful colors of the rainbow.

Embrace the process. Embrace change.

♥All change is scary.

Anyone who doesn't allow change is already dead inside. But that's not your calling. Your purpose is to turn into the queen your King already sees in you. So it’s time to rise from the ashes. This is what the concept of #risewithstyle refers to.

It is always fascinating to observe the process, the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. If you want to develop your potential and blossom, you have to say YES to the process.

♥How to embrace the process and awaken the “QUEEN” in you?

There was this young woman who always walked around in casual ripped jeans and a loose T-shirt. In other words she hid in 7 shades of grey. One day she was tired of being a “Cinderella” and asked her coach to go shopping with her. She had seen a dress! But she didn't dare go alone. The coach describes this experience like this:

“The dress in the window was really beautiful. We looked at it carefully - and then she tried it on. Out of the dressing room came a completely changed person: the pose, the movements, the head, the smile and the way she walked up and down and turned in front of the mirror and the smile..."

♥She was transformed into a queen, just WOW!

♦What about you? How do you see yourself? As a “gray mouse” or as a queen?

♦How would you like to see yourself? How would like to be seen?


♥Maybe you could start with changing the way you dress. Dress for success. Dressing and behaving like a lady, knowing our personal color harmony not only makes us look like a queen, but it promotes healthy self-confidence and a pleasant charisma.

Your personal style is unique and is not at all dependent of current fashion. It´s about “self-expression” and highlighting your personality. Therefore, it´s unique like your signature.

♥Are you ready to create your #Signaturelook? Highlight your YOU_niqueness, your values and message by choosing color and style combinations that bring attention to your face, your personality and your message. You show attention and respect to yourself and others by making sure your outfit fits the occasion, as well.

Let´s start working on your authentic image. Your royal status comes with rights and obligations as well. As Italian fashion designer Valentino Garavani put it: “Real elegance is the balance of proportion, emotion and surprise.”

♥Let me be your coach who goes “shopping” with you. Let me know how I can help you! Book your coaching call and get started.

For more ideas on how to #risewithstyle check my newest session on YouTube. And don´t forget to subscribe and like the video:




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