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The Essentiality of Beauty

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Beauty is the essence of God.

He is the creator of all beauty. When He spoke LIGHT into existence He not only created the condition for life, but He also made it possible for us to enjoy the display of colors and beauty around us. Light enables us to see some of His marvelous creation which is a reflection of His glory.

The moment God said, "Let there be light!" color came into the world, or rather, it became visible. God placed the rainbow in the sky, and with it the entire color palette of light colors became visible. Without light we cannot really see and distinguish colors.

The beauty and variety of colors lets us recognize to some extent how beautiful and creative God is. Every sunrise or sunset is an explosion of color. There are no limits for the master painter. Our cameras are not able to reproduce these colors truly.

Colors play a central role in our lives. I am convinced they even play a vital and life-changing role in our lives.


As Image Consultant I help people to see their natural beauty by discovering and emphasizing their unique color and style combination. In doing so, I am always marveled at the fact, that each person is so unique and such a masterpiece of art.  It is fascinating to see, how their colors and style perfectly match their personality and passion. It´s a beautiful, eye-opening process in which they learn a lot about who they really are and how God sees them. They learn to express their unicity with the right choice of color combination and style, that perfectly reflects their essence.

In God's eyes, every one of us is a handmade masterpiece, an artistic embroidery made of the best materials and most exquisite colors.

Did you know that we always send messages through our external appearance? Studies show that 62 to 90% of our communication is influenced by our choice of color, among other things. Each color not only has a very personal effect on you, it also has a psychological and a spiritual message.

Therefore, I agree on the following statement by Fyodor Dostoyevsky? “Beauty will save the world.” 

What did he refer to? Was it art? Or maybe nature? Or the human being itself? I don´t know, but it is a good starter to reflect a little deeper.

How can BEAUTY save the world?

1.    Beauty Convinces and Convicts

In his book, Beauty: What Is It and Why It Matters, John-Mark Miravalle shares that “looking at the beauty of nature makes us think that someone made it all.” In detail, beauty can be defined as that which delights, that which we’re drawn to, or that which uplifts us.  With the help of beauty and order in nature, we can´t but think about the possibility of God’s existence.

In contrast, if we settle for less and agree to be surrounded by ugliness it kills our creativity, it causes depression. Therefore, beauty and colors are a necessity. It’s the base to build beautiful and meaningful lives. Don´t settle for less. Crave for beauty in all its expressions, may it be art, architecture, literature, music, clothing, gardening, etc. Create beautiful surroundings and you will be inspired and it will inspire others. That´s how beauty changes your world and impacts others.

2.    Beauty Builds the Bridge to Transformation

Reason and evidence is not enough to move us to action, much less to transformation. Only true beauty in whatever form presented will convince us and touch our emotions. Emotions inspire us to take action, to build the bridge. No emotion no motion. If something doesn’t connect with us, we cease to pay attention. In contrast, if something touches our hearts and our emotions. That´s how  “mountains” or obstacles are removed or overcome.

Think of the masterpiece presented by Martin Luther King in his speech, I Have A Dream. These beautiful words were moving because they were real and touched the emotions. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

Black or not, we all relate to this message. We’ve had experiences where we’re judged for our outward appearance rather than by the quality of our character. It moves us because we’ve seen this concrete reality where we still face judgment and inequality. His speech had so much power because it was presented with beauty, emotion and conviction.

And his beautiful dream changed the world! …and still does.

3.    Beauty Brings Restoration

Beauty acknowledges life is not perfect. We all have experienced some kind of brokenness. We all have to deal with some sort of mess in our lives and just are trying to make sense of it.

A good representation of how beauty and brokenness can work together to make a new masterpiece, unique and different in its kind is the Japanese art of Kintsugi. This is a concept referring to a process wherein broken ceramics are fixed using silver or gold lacquer. The result is a new design that forms intricate veins around the mended object. The beauty of it is, that irregularities and inconsistencies are no longer seen as flaws, but as elements that add to its wholeness. It´s even more beautiful and unique as before.

This concept applied to our lives helps us to understand, that life is not happening to us, but for us. Our imperfect lives and our brokenness can become a unique piece of art and beauty if we let all our broken pieces in the hand of the Master. He doesn´t waste anything.

Everything has value and must be perceived with dignity. Kintsugi teaches us to celebrate our messy and broken selves. Although our flaws can cause us shame, they also make us whole, if we let God mend all the pieces. Nothing is ever  wasted.

  1. Embrace Your Unique Beauty: Celebrating Your YOU-niqueness

As ambassador for beauty my mission is to empower women to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace their feminine superpower with style and purpose.

Colors are not only a feast for the soul, they also influence our general well-being, our psyche, our feelings, our performance. So let light and color into your life, because that is how you convey life and emotion. Our external appearance, including the choice of colors, is a silent message without words: we consciously or unconsciously convey RESPECT, towards ourselves and others. We convey emotions through color. We convey our attitude to beauty and fashion through our choice of style. We show the whole world whether we see ourselves as "kings and priests", as representatives of the supreme king, as his representatives, or do we appear more like beggars in ragged, sloppy clothing?

Let´s start with a few questions:

©What is your favorite color?

©What is the dominant color in your closet?

©What does that say about you?

©What message do you want to convey by choosing your colors?

©What is most people's favorite color?

_______________________________ Want to find out more about your personal color and style combination? Want to learn how to highlight your uniqueness? Just book your coaching plan and I will guide you through the process! #LynetteFunk #risewithstylecoach #imagedesign



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