The Power of Choosing: 8% versus 92% - Life or Blessing?
🔗 just read in
"...The New Year is 17 days old – or rather, young. If you have bravely stuck to your resolutions for 2024 so far, then you have now completed 17 successful days - congratulations! But the truth is that usually the new discipline is anything but easy. Back in everyday life, it quickly seems impossible to stick to your ambitious goals. If your New Year's resolutions just stress you out, then watch out: Today is "Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day" or "Throw Your New Year's Resolutions Overboard Day". January 17th is the day on which you can say goodbye to your New Year's resolutions - without feeling guilty."
💫Remember, without a plan, the best "new-year-resolution" is just a wish.
💨It vanishes like a cloud without rain.
🌳Wishes are like trees planted in the wasteland, in an uninhabited salty land.
✅Do you want to belong to the 2 to 8% of people that actually make a plan and stick to it?...and grow like a tree 🌴 whose roots reach deep into the water?
God, our Maker, tells us again and again to choose CURSE or BLESSING? Life or Death? (see for e.g. Jer. 17:5-7) The “promised land” has to be conquered step by step.
The trees you see in the photo reminded me of this strong message. We are responsible for our choices. God has already given us "the Promised Land", (see Det 7). However, we have to be brave and courageous and do the steps, embrace the training it takes, with a willing and obedient heart.
My question for you and me is: Will I focus on growth and let my roots grow deep, even in challenging circumstances like extreme heat and lack of water; or when facing opposition, even "giants"?
Or will I be like the tree beside the road, dried up, overworked, without prosperity, no fruit at all, not living my purpose.
✨You need help?...ideas? 💫
As #lifecoach I empower and encourage you to fully live out God´s calling for your life and for your profession✨ and actually do the steps it takes.

Maybe you are wondering, what this coaching is all about?
♦It´s about YOU: your desires, your goals, your learning, your growth
♦Coaching is about learning – rather than teaching. You are the expert on your life. As Coach I assist you in this process through active listening, open questions, encouragement, challenging you a bit, and always remaining supportive.
♦Coaching is about ACTION – your action. You define your action steps.
♦Coaching is all about YOU – not just your work or ministry. Old habits and thought patterns, the so called “blind spots” keep us from growing. As your coach I help you to recognize these patterns and will support you as you change and grow.
Let´s get started:
✴How successful do you feel on #day17?
✴On a scale from 1-10, how willing are you to change your "resolutions" to promises to yourself?
✴What are you willing to do about it?
Choose LIFE! Choose Blessing!
You owe it to yourself and to your Creator!