The Power of Discipline: A Path to Balanced Life and Success
Discipline is a Tree of Life and the Way to a Balanced Life and Success
WHOLE-Hearted and not HOLE-Hearted
We are the product of our thoughts and decisions. “As man thinks, so he is, so he acts, so he feels and reacts.” (Wisdom of Salomon Proverbs)
📍Dr. Caroline Leaf (neurologist) says, “What you think about most will determine your life path...When you change your thinking and embrace this beautiful, unique being that God created you to be, you can find fulfillment!“
📍 That's why our top priority should be to discipline our thoughts and fill the hole in our heart with everything that is healthy and beautiful and so become whole.
For that to happen, you first have to make a decision on what you want to focus on. Then you need to work it with discipline and perseverance.
Which particular thought would you like to work on this week?
What exactly will you do about it?
In order to do so, we need to train our minds and be disciplined

♦HOW can I develop a disciplined life?
What comes to your mind when you hear the word DISCIPLINE? What emotions do you feel rising?
Is it rather painful or even traumatic for you, when thinking of it? Do you think of it as punishment, control, submission,…?
The opposite is true. Discipline or self-control is part of the fruit of the spirit. Discipline doesn't rob us of our joy, on the contrary. Discipline is a tree of life. Like Paul J. Meyer puts it in his book the 25 Keys to leave a Legacy: “Discipline: is a must have like water and air. You can do anything, if you keep at it. … If you don´t have discipline, you don´t have anything.”
The result of a disciplined lifestyle is first and foremost a balanced personality. It´s a road to success in any area of life. Discipline not only helps us to stay balanced, but it also gives us freedom within our limits. Our confidence grows.
📍Remember, if we are followers of Christ, we are called to be His ambassadors, His representatives on earth. That makes me a disciple, a follower of Christ and as such I choose discipline and excellence as a lifestyle. Without discipline it is impossible to follow in Jesus´ footsteps and it is impossible to build the bridge from the comfort zone to the "God zone". Without discipline it´s impossible to build the bridge from your vision to your mission.
A person who lives and runs in his vision feels whole. A person who decides to stay “comfortable” in the uncomfortable comfort zone choose to live with the hole.
© What is your choice? What is your vision? Make it visible for you! …reflect on how you are going to build that bridge to your vision. What specific steps are you going to do this week to cross the gap?
👆🏻 If you decide to build that bridge, you decide for a disciplined lifestyle. That’s what this 10-week- coaching program is about:
Check it out:
10 Weeks of Holistic Make-Over for Mind, Body & Beauty!