The Power of the Divine Kiss
Made in His Image as Image-Bearers
“Yahweh-God scooped up a lump of soil, sculpted a man, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The man came alive—a living soul!” (see Genesis 2:7 TPT)

Covered by God´s Fingerprints:
Imagine going back to day six of creation and seeing God doing something very different, something outstanding. In all the other days of creating the world and everything in it, He spoke and it came into existence. But now He scoops up a lump of soil, or clay or dust, other possible translations.
Try to imagine this scene as vividly as possible. Out of a lump of soil—adamah in Hebrew—with His own hands He sculpted the "man"—"Adam". Can you imagine God kneeling on the ground and shaping every detail of Adam out of adamah? Isn't it just amazing to imagine that Adam was covered with God's fingerprints from head to toe?
Imagine how God chose the perfect eye color, the color of the skin, the hair, the shape of his body and face, and after God had finished His unique piece of art, He did something so uniquely different: He blew into his nostrils the breath of life.
To breathe into someone's nostrils you have to come pretty close. It happens when two people kiss. God kissed life into Adam. In that same instance every portion of Adam's being and body was filled with life as Spirit-Wind poured into him. In that instant the man came alive—a living soul!
"Nephesh" which according to the Hebrew Talmud is synonymous to prayer.
Adam now was able to commune with God. Being human means moving in the direction of the divine design that God embedded in us.
Now imagine the first sight Adam had when he came to life. What did he see? He looked into the loving eyes of his Creator, the Image-Maker.
I imagine how God said: "WOW! Look at this masterpiece I just created in my own image. His only purpose is to represent me, my glory and beauty. I created him with creativity, intelligence, wisdom, light, to represent me well on this earth. He and you are my image-bearers. Take good care of everything I created."
You and I are made in the same wonderful image. However, something went terribly wrong. We all know it. Feel it. We see a distorted image of the wonderful idea God had when He first created man. That is a result of the sin.
But still, we are, from the depths of our being, intensely relational, just like the Creator who has formed us. We are designed to feel, think, see, touch, taste, smell, hear, know, decide, create and more.
From that moment on, as man decided to walk his own path, God has continuously worked on restoring that image to all its fullness—breathing the divine breath into us again.
Restored Image:
That's why Christ had to come and pay the heavy price of sin. Jesus is the only way to restore this broken image of God. And the Holy Spirit breathes new eternal life into his soul, as we read in Ezekiel 37…that even dead bones will recover new life.
YAHWEH said to the prophet: "Prophesy over these dry bones these words, 'Dry bones, hear what Yahweh says. Lord Yahweh says to you: " 'I am now going to breathe into you, and you will live again!'" (read Ezekiel 37:4-5 TPT)
♦Invitation: Remember WHO you are! Re-imagine yourself, not simply as a woman, or a man, but first and foremost as a person destined to be an image-bearer of God. You are the crown of creation. You are God's dream come true: unique, special, worthy, chosen, beautiful, simply a masterpiece. God invested time and workmanship into you.
Lift up your head, straighten your shoulders, strengthen your knees, and walk confidently on the runway called world.
“What you think about most will determine your life path...When you change your thinking and embrace this beautiful, unique being that God created you to be, you can find true fulfillment! “ (Dr. Caroline Leaf)
Therefore, embrace your true identity. "Our true identity and purpose is to live as image bearers of God." (see 2 Corinthians 3:18)
♦Application: Love what God loves: YOU!
It's time to recover the wonderful image God had in mind when He created you. Ask yourself what it means to be made in the very likeness of God Himself.
We are not defined by the labels and categories people tend to categorize us. Our ultimate identity and purpose is to reflect and represent God on this earth.
When HIS identity becomes the foundation of my identity, the "loose ends" will come together and finally make sense.
- Take a moment to reflect on your identity and purpose.
- Ask yourself: "What does it mean to be made in the image of God?"
- Write down your thoughts and insights.
- Share your reflections with a friend or family member.
- Take the first step towards recovering your true identity and purpose.
♦Get in touch:
If you want to learn more about your wonderful and amazing Godly Design!