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"Transform Your Wardrobe, Transform Your Life"

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“Wearing versus Styling”, what's the difference?
“Wearing versus Styling”, what's the difference?

Just wearing in order to be dressed expresses a lack of respect: for oneself, one's Creator, and others. Being stylishly dressed, however, goes much deeper. It is a decision to move from “Ordinary to Extraordinary" by being intentional and to develop self-love and respect.


Here are three steps to help you love and respect yourself more and express this respect through your personal style:


1. Self-Acceptance: Understand who you are and how God sees you!


2. Know Your Style: Understand how your style harmonizes with you and your personality.


3. Be Authentic: Unfold your unique style signature! Feel right and appropriately dressed for every occasion.


That's why, in my image consulting coaching practice, I emphasize on understanding your uniqueness and how to reflect it by developing a basic wardrobe with 3 or 4 capsules fitting your essence and meeting your needs. To feel confident and self-assured, we need clothing that feels like us. Only then our appearance is authentic and attractive.


"A perfect wardrobe is like a well-oiled machine: it consists of many individual parts that work together seamlessly and can be combined into a hundred different outfits." (Annuschka Rees) In a wardrobe capsule every piece fits perfectly together like a Lego block fitting another.


♦Simple and chic could be so easy, if you just knew the HOW:


- Once you know the HOW your unique style is no longer dependent on the opinions of others, media, salespeople, etc.!

- When you know HOW to look brilliant in your colors and look younger and fresher

- When you know HOW to highlight your strengths and downplay your weaknesses.

- When you know HOW to present yourself for different occasions, whether private, social, official, or professional.

Once you know which your basics are and HOW to combine them like pieces of Lego, you will be amazed of how easy STYLE and to be stylish on purpose has become.


♦"Uncovering Your Personal Style is A Journey of Self-Discovery"

In this image consulting process, you won't be forced into a mold. On the contrary, you'll experience the freedom to be creative and form your own authentic YOU style.


You'll learn which colors, fabrics, cuts, and patterns flatter you and how to combine them skillfully for any occasion.


Whoever presents themselves effectively wins, and that's called "Impact Intelligence".


♦Develop Your Fantastic Style Personality and Impact with Intelligence!

Maybe you say, why even bother? You can get through life without this STYLE talk, and besides, where does it say that in the Bible? This attitude expresses a lack of respect for God, the creator of all beauty, who in his infinite creativity planned and wanted you in detail. If He loved you so much, why is it so hard for you to accept and love yourself? "Love yourself" is even a command: "Love your neighbor as yourself!" (Luke 10:27b)


Of course, it's tied to the condition that you first love God, your Creator, with all your heart, soul, and mind. Then the other side of the coin will come automatically. The more you love Him, the more you will not only love others but also yourself.

"Loving yourself" has nothing to do with egoism, but with respect and gratitude towards God. Then I can also give myself respect.

Whoever cannot love themselves rejects not only everything good and beautiful but also makes it impossible to truly love others if we don't like ourselves.

It works like the law of gravity: what we think, we speak, and what we do, we attract like a magnet. If I don't appreciate myself, I'll attract disrespect and lack of appreciation!

So, what can I do to love myself, regardless of my age and circumstances?

First and foremost:  "Love yourself first, and the rest will fall into place. Including your outfit."  I can learn to see myself from God's perspective. He made me unique and beautiful: a masterpiece, one-of-a-kind. Just look at your fingerprint. Out of all the billions of people who have lived and are living, no one has the same fingerprint as you.


"As a man thinks, so is he" is a wisdom from the book of Proverbs (Bible). It's a heart matter to choose beauty. Therefore, choose to learn about and to know and understand your style personality. You'll be amazed at what you'll discover about yourself and how everything fits together perfectly in perfect harmony with your personality.


♦Are you ready to Unlock your Confidence & Unleash Your Unique Style?!


Discover your true worth and radiate self-confidence with my personalized Image Coaching program.


♦Transform Your Life with:

·         Self-discovery and empowerment

·         Personalized style guidance

·         Practical tools for confidence boost


Join this journey & break free from low self-esteem

Develop your unique personal style and shine with inner and outer confidence!


Ready to Unlock Your Potential?

Reply #ready to learn more and schedule your transformation!



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