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Unveiling the Power of Feminine Beauty: Embracing Wholeness and say YES to the Journey to Transformation

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Congratulations to you my dear Lady, let´s celebrate every day our FEMININITY and our unique worth as God´s feminine representation of God´s Image.

Did you know, that you, as a woman, just as the man, are an image-bearer of God?

♥“Your Identity drives your behavior!” (Eric Lofholm)

What defines our IDENTITY as a woman?How do you see yourself?We become what our self-image is. Therefore, what you envision about yourself is very important. Whatever you tell yourself you eventually are going to believe. We become what we think about the most!  We become what we behold, what we focus our thoughts on!

Believe what God says about you and your identity.

Then God said,

•      “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

•       make man (’ādām = humanity)

•      in Our IMAGE

•       according to Our likeness [statue of representation];

•      and let them have complete authority over…

 Genesis 1:26 AMP

Further we read: Then the LORD God

•      FORMED (created) man

•      From the dust of the ground

•      And breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE,

•      …and the man became a living being  (an individual complete in body and spirit)

Genesis 2:7 AMP

Be the woman God sees in you! Let´s look at Deborahs encouraging example!

Deborah, the judge, was sitting onder the palm tree and kept helping people with their complaints. But there came the day and she said: "Enough is enough." She rose and spoke a life changing prophetie. Deborah said to Barak: “Get ready! This is the day the LORD will give you victory over Sisera, for the LORD is marching ahead of you!” (Judges 4:14)

In a time of despair, destruction and war she spoke life and hope into the lives of the men, sons and daughters of her time.

Be that strong woman today, like Deborah, a Mother in Israel, a judge, a prophet and a courageous warrior alongside with Barak (see Judges 4 and 5 in the Bible). Choose to see hope, where others see only resignation, futility, destruction and discouragement. Work as a strong team alongside with the "Barak" in your life. Be strong and courageous and fight for the "promised life" God has given you.

Deborah could have looked across the landscape and seen the situation just as the rest in Israel did: HOPELESS! However, she decided to get up. She transitioned from mere judge to prophet and mother in Israel!!

How about you?What are you waiting for? Claim your “promised land” together with the men on your side. Be a TEAM, complement each other and fulfill God´s idea of being His Image-bearers, together, not against each other.

Listen to my thoughts on Deborah on YouTube and don´t forget to subscribe!

♥Our Identity defines our IMAGE!

Image isn't just about looks; it's about communication.

The way we present ourselves to the world speaks volumes about who we are and what we value.

Our image is a powerful tool that can convey confidence, professionalism, and authenticity. It's not just about the clothes we wear or the way we style our hair; it's about how we carry ourselves, how we interact with others, and how we express our unique personalities. By paying attention to our image and the silent messages it sends, we can ensure that we are communicating effectively and making a positive impact on those around us. Remember, image is not just skin deep; it's a reflection of our inner selves shining through for the world to see.


♦Change begins in changing your self-talk and your self-image.

Reprogram the way you think and speak about yourself. Choose to live a life of excellence in every aspect of your life.

Therefore, upgrade your identity. Become someone more you thought you were. Create your compelling future. Say something to yourself with emotion who you are. However, knowledge alone is not enough. Confirm it daily with actions. Dress accordingly. And do it with persistence.

♦Action is the biggest lever to create the life you want. There is this magical moment when persistence overcomes resistance! It´s only a matter of time and the world will stop trying to hold you back.

♦Always give your best!

-          Learn more to do more and give more

-          Do more to impact more

-          Impact more and leave a legacy. Like Deborah.

♦Consistency and Persistence is the Key to any Success.

♥Are you willing to bring up the self-control to work on a growth mindset and develop a healthy and beautiful lifestyle full of energy?

That is the secret to experience a life full of JOY, Purpose and PASSION.

Show up with an #authenticimage and develop your #signaturelook.

As professional #Imageconsultant and #Lifecoach I will teach you three pillars to transform your life and so become the best version of yourself.  I will coach you to discover your unique #VISION so you can live your #MISSION, your purpose.

That´s why I have developed a 3 module Coaching Program in which I teach you three keys to holistic balance and success. What took me more than twenty years to learn, you can learn in only three months to six months.

♥The three keys to #RISEwithSTYLE are:

Are you ready to join the #RISEwithSTYLE Challenge?




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