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Unveiling Your True Beauty: Overcoming the "Cinderella Syndrome"

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How to step out of the shadows into the spotlight of God?

How to transform “Cinderella” into the radiant queen she is actually meant to be?

Our lack of understanding of how valuable we are in God’s eyes nourishes low self-esteem which keeps us hiding in our comfort zone.

I challenge you today: you were called to stand out from the masses and not to hide in the ashes of your broken dreams.

♦Lack of Self-Esteem is just as unspiritual as is pride.

Do you agree?

What were you created for? Certainly not to lead a shadowy existence.

God's Word tells us clearly who we really are: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy people, a nation for a personal possession, that you should proclaim the blessings of him who called you out of darkness into his own wonderful light.” (1 Pet 2:5)

►What keeps us in the shadows?

What´s the first thing we tend to do, when we have made a mistake, broke something, or simply feel insecure about a situation?


Adam and Eve hid, when they were disobedient to their Kings´ instructions. They hid behind fig leaves, in the shadows of the tree. Still, the King came looking for them. He called them by their names. He made them new clothes that really served the purpose of protection and practicality. By the way, they were best quality: leather, still the most expensive material in fashion industry.

God, our Creator and King became the first fashion designer in human history. He teaches us to focus on quality and elegance in our looks, just think of the detailed instructions He later gives for the designing of the priestly robe and the details of the temple. He is interested in these beautiful details, because HE is BEAUTY in person. We were created to reflect HIS beauty.  

However, we all have this tendency to hide behind self-made solutions that don´t work really well, like fig leaves. If we are not really authentic and vulnerable with our “imperfections” we let FEAR rule over us:

♦Fear and insecurity of being seen. What will the others think and say about us, if we suddenly show up as our authentic unpolished true self?

♦Fear of the pointing finger of the “evil stepmother” and the “mean sisters” who don’t grant you your rightful place.

♦False satisfaction by settling for your “shadow state.” “The good (peas) in the pot, the bad ones in the crop.”

♦False comfort! It could mean that it costs me something to get up from the ashes of my own pity and get on my dress and shoes.

♦What if you just allowed yourself to dream again. What if everything was already taken care of? You just have to be ready to go through the steps and put on your “party dress” and your designated shoes?

♦What if “Cinderella” actually turns out to be the queen and the right shoe only fits her?

You are actually much, much more than “Cinderella”. This fairy tale is only a poor comparison of what you really are.

You are called by the King of kings, He calls you His daughter, of whom He is proud. This daughter has access to EVERYTHING that belongs to the King. But as with the story of the prodigal son, the older son chooses a “Cinderella existence” and does not live as the heir to his Father's entire empire.

So get up. Leave your hiding place and show up, as the Queen, you were meant to be.

As Christian Life and Image Coach it´s my passion to help women to understand their true value and to feel and look their best and so become worthy IMAGE-Bearers of the highest KING!

►Choose to leave the shadows today and sign up for my 1-1 coaching program: Embrace BEAUTY inside and out!

“Thrive on the INSIDE and sparkle on the OUTSIDE!”

♥You are worthy to BE the daughter of the KING and represent HIM well.



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