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Waiting times are TRAINING TIMES

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⁉Are you in the waiting room?!

If you're like me, waiting is no fun.

I become impatient and prefer "instant solutions". However, a quick fix is not the real solution.

⁉What if waiting times are part of God´s training program? While I am running this marathon called life, God's Word provides me with a clear training program of how to proceed while being in "God's waiting room".

Jesus teaches us this simple formula (see Matthew 7:7)




1. Ask! Spell it out. What exactly do you want? What is your dream, your wish, your vision?

2. Seek! Once you have defined your vision you have to get on your way. Make your plans. What exactly are you going to do, to get to your destiny. Use your waiting times to observe, learn, prepare as best you can.

3. Knock! Keep knocking on doors until the right one opens. Remember, "old keys don't open new doors".

So if you are in the waiting room and nothing seems to be moving, ask yourself what old thought patterns you might have to discard so that something new can arise. Maybe God is just waiting for you to see it?

4. Give up your control to whoever is in control. When we have done our part, our steps, we can trust that God will take care of the other details that are beyond our control. HE is in control. No detail escapes him.

5. “While I´m waiting, I will not faint. I´ll move ahead, bold and confident. I´ll be taking every step in obedience…” (song by John Waller “While I´m waiting)

6. ASK and wait, so you will GET!!!

♦Waiting doesn't mean to sit back and to do nothing. The following quote sums it up well “Waiting does not mean doing nothing. Rather, waiting means observing attentively.” (Georg-Wilhelm Exler)

🔐 remember, old keys don't open old doors!

Waiting times are opportunities to grow and learn and knock on new doors.

If you would like expert support in finding your way to your vocation, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to give you more information about how such a #lifecoaching #process works.



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