Your YOU:niqueness is your SUPER-POWER!
Actualizado: 10 ene 2024
As Image Coach I'm fascinated by the word IMAGE!
Because we are created in God´s Image to be God´s IMAGE-bearers.
This brings me straight to one of the first verses of the Bible, where it says that God in His Trinity created man in HIS own IMAGE. We are literally an image of God on this earth. We are His representatives.
What do IMAGES do?
They reflect the master. They declare ownership. Being an image bearer is not about what you do but who HE is and on what HE says about you.
Our purpose as IMAGE-bearers is to reflect HIM.
His fingerprints are on us. Look at your fingerprint. That’s the proof. In this whole world there is no one exactly like you.
♥What dignity lies in this fact. Your YOU:niqueness is your Super-Power!
♥What an honor and what a high commission!
We were not called to fit in, but to stand out. We are set apart to be reflections of Christ´s image and be HIS ambassadors in this world.
Instead of blending in, we stand out with our unique and personal style.
It means we honor God with the choice of our “earth suit”.
Maybe you are asking, does God even care what I wear?
💫By the way, did you know that God was the first fashion designer ever?
In Ge 3:21 we read that Yahweh –GOD- made leather clothing (tunics) for Adam and his wife.” HE dressed them personally.
💠I am convinced that the way we dress actually is very important to him. As we know the story, in their attempt to hide, Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together as makeshift clothes for themselves (v.7). But God gave them a much better solution. He knew that the fig leaves would fly at the first gust of wind and that they would not provide warmth and protection. Therefore, for the first time blood was shed since the creation of the beautiful garden. An animal had to give its skin so that God could make leather tunics for Adam and Eve. These new clothes had a high cost.
✨Did you know that leather always was and still is one of the most expensive and valuable materials in the fashion industry to this day? What does this tell us about God and his view of clothing?
• Firstly, our clothing should be of quality, made of good material.
• Second, the model is important. “Fig leaves” are not enough. The leather tunic was not only practical but also beautiful.
• Third, the principle of protective shame. Our bodies should be covered and protected with appropriate clothing.
Whatprinciple do we recognize?
Clothing is much more than just something external and irrelevant. Clothing is the expression of our inner self. The choice of our clothes is a mirror of our soul and an expression of our values. Just as Adam and Eve's fig leaves expressed their shame and vulnerability, God's way of dressing is characterized by protection, quality and beauty.
How do you want to apply this principle to your daily life?
Do you already know your personal style?
Want to get to know yours?
Just click on the link below and do your free Personal Style Quiz:
💠My personal style and the way I dress has a lot to do with God and my identity. It's about being myself, being YOU:nique and authentic.
I should remember that the way I dress always sends signals, even if we don't mean to or aren't aware of it. Every piece we wear gives the message: “Look, I like this. That's part of me. That's valuable and important to me...or maybe I don't care at all."
We always "message" through the way we dress and behave. Therefore, leave no detail to chance, because the silent messages speak louder than our words!
✨The choice of clothing and external appearance in particular says a lot about us. There are various studies that demonstrate that people judge us, after just 10 to 15 minutes. We do this ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not. Although God looks at the heart, our outward appearance should be a reflection of our heart.
My goal as a professional IMAGE COACH is for you to understand and love your YOU:niqueness and develop your personal style..
It excites me when I can be an agent to help you see how valuable and YOU:nique you are, how precious you are in His eyes, simply WOW.
♦YOU and your YOU:nicity are the focus of this coaching process. It´s about developing a vision and a roadmap to your YOU:nique and authentic STYLE.
We analyze:

You will not be pressed into any mold.
On the contrary, you´ll experience freedom:
• from the dictate of fashion
• from the opinion of the people
• from your personal insecurity
“Copying is easy. A stylish and YOU:nique appearance, on the other hand, is work!”
Don´t forget to do your personal style quiz and let me know your results.
Comment the word #WOW in comment section and I'll send you the information on how online image coaching plan looks like.
Remember, the best investment is in yourself, because you are an IMAGE of your Creator God. That makes you W.O.W.!
• W. Worthy
• O. Original
• W. Wonderful
Your #LynetteFunk